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Grant Clauser
Grant Clauser is the editor-in-chief for E-Gear magazine (a newsstand magazine about electronics) and editorial director for a Philadelphia-based publishing company. He lives with his wife and two daughters in Hatfield, Pennsylvania. Poems have appeared in various literary journals including The Literary Review, The Wisconsin Review, The Cumberland Poetry Review, The Maryland Poetry Review, Cincinnati Poetry Review, and others, plus a TV show about bass fishing.
A slight rain moistens the yard
like lips parting to speak.
Night passes a blue hand over the window.
She is sitting in the kitchen, mourning the child
and waiting for the murmur in her head
to stop.
All month wind has battered the siding.
Crickets are gone.
Dawn is gone.
The taste of iron like blood
has made a home in my mouth.
When the hot stove ticks
the expansion of metal and air
I wonder what lies hidden
in veins, in the tissue
holding us together.
My throat wants to swallow
and move on.
My body wants to love another body
but can't find a way.
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