May 2010

Susan Tepper


Susan Tepper is the author of Deer & Other Stories (Wilderness House Press, 2009) and the chapbook Blue Edge. This fall Cervena Barva Press will publish a book of her poems. Tepper curates FIZZ a reading series at KGB Bar in New York City.


You rush to hold night
between your knees

a darkness and blood
on your coat is starlings
rising and falling

silky, shallow breathing
you choke on
stream rocks black
as oil

slick and bunched
along the water line

How salty—
this out of a twisted horn  




Lie down, make a bough of
shells and seaweed come to rest

the final spike's a wobbly tree

bound by cord, half the mother
the other in secret waits
a shoreline held and broken

sleep is soft

An early spring—
Snow across the backs of deer.



Susan Tepper: Poetry
Copyright ©2010 The Cortland Review Issue 47The Cortland Review