Issue > Poetry
Susan Kelly-DeWitt

Susan Kelly-DeWitt

Susan Kelly-DeWitt is the author of The Fortunate Islands (Marick Press) as well as eight previous collections, and an e-chapbook The Limbo Suite (Mudlark 38). Her work appears in many journals and anthologies, including The Autumn House Anthology of Contemporary American Poetry. She’s a contributing editor for Poetry Flash and a blogger for Coal Hill Review.

When We Arrive Together In That New Country

It will be like this moment of fixity
in the universal sweep, this time
when crow lights

on an olive branch
and just breathes, breathes
the twilight air in

motionless, without a single feather-
rustle, without a twitch of caw
sound, or nod of beak

in that very tree everyone
warned us against, predicting
it could not grow

here, for us,
in this personal landscape


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