Issue > Poetry
William G Davies Jr.

William G Davies Jr.

William G. Davies Jr. shares ten acres of rural Pennsylvania woodlands with his wife, Theresa and numerous wildlife. He considers himself a prose raconteur of humble ability, and has been crafting words in anonymity until now.


Summer wanes and bends
Towards the arc of autumn.
The cornfields like plebes
Shine green in their  
Seeming regiments
Of near perfect rows.
A miasma of blue chicory
And Queen Anne's lace
Undulate in the rear-view
Katydids, vapid
Stutter in the dark.
The swell of moving on
Is heartbreaking.


Justin Skylar Belote

Justin Skylar Belote
Elegy With No One Speaking


Marcus Civin

Marcus Civin


MRB Chelko

MRB Chelko
Ode to June