Issue > Poetry
Bruce Willard

Bruce Willard

Bruce Willard’s poems have appeared in African American Review, Agni Online, NPR’s Writer’s Almanac, Harvard Review, Ploughshares, Salamander, 5 A.M. and numerous other publications. His first collection of poems, Holding Ground was published by Four Way Books (NYC) in 2013. Violent Blues, his second book, is due out in 2016. Willard is a graduate of Middlebury College with a BA in American Literature and holds a MFA from Bennington College’s Writing Seminars program. He lives in Santa Barbara, Colorado and Maine.

January Bus Ride

Town feels close tonight.
Pattern of cross streets,

dip-rhythm of blocks.

Every view through gauzy

windows looks like home:

TV-blues, flash of late

sun wicking higher,
diminishing possibility of stars.

Wet rubber shoes,

closing of doors; passengers

transferring one stop

to the next. Soon

is the hour I could board

almost any bus

and say the route leads home.


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