Issue > Poetry
Mark Heinlein

Mark Heinlein

Mark Heinlein is the author of the poetry collection Everything We Call Ordinary (Tourane Poetry Press, 2014). A nominee for the Pushcart Prize and the Independent Best American Poetry Competition, he was awarded the American Academy of Poets/Virginia de Arujo Award. In 2014, with Myles Foreman, he performed "Beautiful Music" at TEDx Santa Cruz. He is a fishmonger in the San Francisco Bay Area.  

This Morning Like An Hiroshige Print

Raining, after the driest October
in twenty years, citizens hustle
across the street to take cover.

I join in, cross the street with my bags
from the market soaked by the rain, hurry
to beat the light turning red.
A maple leaf falls, another.

At the same time, she stokes
the fire with branches
as thin as her wrists, sets
the kettle on the stove

waits to remove my clothes,
to sit me in front of the fire
with a blanket draped
over my shoulders, to pull the kitchen
knife from the drawer
to cut the gouda, to slice the Fujis
in half, to warm a loaf of bread.


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