Issue > Poetry
Collier Brown

Collier Brown

Collier Brown's poetry has appeared in Best New Poets, Poetry East, Asheville Poetry Review, Unsplendid, Barrow Street, and Measure. His first full-length collection, Eye, Thus Far, Unplucked, came out this fall with Stephen F. Austin University Press.


Our catahoula hound
roams the unmowed ground
at every hour—makes hours
with its rounded tours,
buried to unburied kill.
A lizard on the windowsill
is a week dead. The tree, dry
as a jarred dragonfly.
Mites and motelight choke
in the shade. When I speak,
it's to the fox teeth I gather
near the creek. Brother,
I say, show me your hand.
Brother, he says, stand
close to me. The slaughter
is sure. Come taste this water.


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