Enjoy the Wind Catcher
I died and came alive in a field after a rain.
I knew myself as song, as haunting,
a child's dress hung like a scarecrow
in a garden, bright words painted on a banner.
My dogs ran out ahead of me across the fire grass,
the flats of rain tracking the sky.
This was my last life, my destiny
who called, "Enjoy the wind-catcher!"
Trick Birds at the Carnival
They too have fallen out of the rapt original into now, nor could
they say how or why or circle the moment that once felt intended.
What is tameness? What does it mean to be tame? To be reckless
enough to trust any being--rooted, bound by less and less. That
dullness born of ravenous craving without pretense feeds on
distraction, accident, the indifferent cruelty or good will of
others it has forgot, knowing the forgetting but not the memory.