If they were each to stop
at the whim, say, of a greedy thought,
and then the one off to the left
were to let his arm float up, stirring
the air with that wide, slow, underwater
gesture meaning Hello! and You there!
aimed at the one more than a mile away
to the right. And if he in his work were to pause,
catching that call by sheer wish, and send
back his own slow one-armed dance,
meaning Yes! and Here! as if threaded
to a single long nerve, before remembering
his tool and shearing another message
into the earth, letting who can say how long
graze past until another thought, or just the need to know
might make him stop and look up again at the other,
raising his arm as if to say something like Still?
and Oh! and then to catch the flicker of a smile
creep up along those other legs and flare
into another bright Yes! that sways a moment
in the darkening air, their work would carry them
into the better part of evening, each mowing
ahead and doubling back, then looking up to catch
sight of his echo, sought and held
in that instant of common understanding,
the God and Speed of it coming out only after
both have turned back to face to the sea of Yet
and Slow. If they could, and if what glimmered
like a fish were to dart back and forth across
that wide wordless distance, the day, though gone,
would never know the ache of being done.
If they thought to, or would, or even half-wanted,
their workthe humming human engines
pushed across the grass, and the grass, blade
after blade, assentingwould take forever.
But I love how long it would last.
Winter Feature 2011
- C.K. Williams A family visit with C.K. Williams at his home in Hopewell, NJ (HD video)
- L.S. Asekoff
- Michael Blumenthal
- Robert Bly
- Peter Campion
- Stephen Dunn
- Jorie Graham
- Jennifer Grotz
- Marilyn Hacker
- Ellen Hinsey
- John Koethe
- Philip Levine
- Thomas Lux
- Anne Marie Macari
- James McMichael
- Sharon Olds
- Alicia Ostriker
- Alan Shapiro
- Tom Sleigh
- Tracy K. Smith
- Gerald Stern
- Susan Stewart
- Chase Twichell
- Susan Wheeler
- C.K. Williams
Book Review
- David Rigsbee reviews Wait
by C.K. Williams
- David Rigsbee reviews Wait