Feature > Poetry
Susan Stewart

Susan Stewart

Susan Stewart is a former MacArthur Fellow and Chancellor of the Academy of American Poets. Her most recent book of poetry is Red Rover; last year she published The Poet's Freedom: A Notebook on Making.
Patrizio Ceccagnoli

Patrizio Ceccagnoli

Patrizio Ceccagnoli teaches Italian at University of Massachusetts Amherst. In 2013 he published the first edition of F.T. Marinetti's Venezianella e Studentaccio, a novel written in 1944.

From Theme of Farewell and After Poems (English Translation)

The asphalt was burning and you were alone
among the trees of Quarto Oggiaro1 and the undying
lights of bars and the houses
from the fifties, balconies and basil,
a concert of seedlings and the sea:
come back, don't ever come back
here, in the nostalgia of the living, come back,
don't come back, come back, ever, anymore.

1 Quarto Oggiaro is a peripheral neighborhood in Milan.

(Original Italian)

audio read by Milo De Angelis
Bruciava l'asfalto e tu eri sola
tra gli alberi di Quarto Oggiaro e le luci
immortali dei bar e le case
degli anni cinquanta, balconi e basilico,
un concerto di piantine e di mare:
torna, non tornare più
qui, nella nostalgia dei viventi, torna,
non tornare, ritorna, mai, più.
Milo De Angelis

Milo De Angelis

Milo De Angelis was born in Milan, where he currently lives and works. He is the author of seven collections of poetry, a narrative text, many translations from the French and Greek, and a collection of essays. He is the founding edior of the magazine Il Niebo. Susan Stewart and Patrizio Ceccagnoli translated De Angelis's two last books of poetry.


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