Winter 2004

Lisa Flowers


Lisa A. Flowers Lisa Flowers is a freelance proofreader and part-time caterer residing in the Ghent section of Norfolk, Virginia. Her poetry has appeared in Jack Magazine and Whimperbang Journal. She is the author of Niwot's Wake, a verse memoir, and is currently at work on a book of essays and short fiction.
Jealousy is Retired and Living in an Old Folk's Mobile Home Park
in Such and Such

Such a mating of fate�
The Duino Elegies and your wife
in the same gene pool
the agonies that keep
reinventing themselves, like great artists
set and definite as statues�
no, not going anywhere.
Not even an arm hacked off
to suggest
an obscene gesture
made under thy neighbor's table.

Can't rely on America anymore
hiding in the House That Jack Built
his mother
outliving all her children
living to see her son's picture
torn down and defamed
with the flag of her adopted country,
her hand clenched secretly around France
like the hand of the second lover in the bed,
a Lady Liberty
well beyond spring chicken
and the joys of the voluptuous Madonna

the curve of her hips
loved by every man; and most of all by one

my beautiful
Lizzy, myself, our baby
closed and clogged
in the laudanum of our bliss.



Lisa Flowers: Poetry
Copyright © 2004 The Cortland Review Issue 25The Cortland Review