Kathryn Kirkpatrick

Kathryn Kirkpatrick lives with her husband and two shelties in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina where she is Professor of English at Appalachian State University. She is the author of four collections of poems, The Body's Horizon (Signal Books, 1996), Beyond Reason (Pecan Grove, 2004), Out of the Garden (Mayapple Press, 2007) and Alter, forthcoming from Press 53.
The Poem I Didn't Write
came on me in daylight
where they dress deer
for burger or roast.
I didn't want to write
about the doe
legs stiff in the air
and the young boy
camouflaged to the hilt
checking out her privates.
I wanted no part
of what flooded me
like memory, my own body
unconscious, splayed for
the catheter before surgery.
But here it is,
a protest gaining strength,
the poem like a sit-in,
like a print job in a queue
refusing other poems,
desiring the body's dignity,
even in the dismemberings.