Issue > Poetry
Terra Brigando

Terra Brigando

Terra Brigando is a writer and teacher living in Oakland, California. She earned her M.F.A. in English and creative writing from Mills College in spring 2012 and has been published in Bloom, Word Riot, pif Magazine and others. She is currently at work on a novel. 


I want the light to say something different,
the cold to be sweet between

my teeth, the slow escaping of breath
on my forehead, a fanned palm

on my knee, fingers splayed, open
branches. I want to bite down hard

on something that is tough, the hollow space between
my ribs to fill with lace, to fill

with gratitude, to fill in bird song.

I want to notice the shadows of the day,

how they bend and fold, how they dance across
an open space quietly,


until they are gone.


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