Issue > Poetry
Tiffany Lynn Collier

Tiffany Lynn Collier

Tiffany Lynn Collier grew up in southern Indiana, graduated from Indiana University and currently resides in Chicago with her husband. She is working on a collection of poetry as well as young adult fiction. 

Saw Dust

I wanna smell cut wood.
It makes me think of Dad and that kid
who was never tall enough for anything.

I wanna hear the shrill screech of a saw
and the dull drop
of another two-by on the pile.

"That outta do it" he'd say.
Straightening to smear the dust off his face
with the back of a hand.

And they were wonderful.
Scarred, stained, sun-spotted and used.
Here now, I look down at my own,
And I don't think I'm anybody's hero.

Not anyone can take a pile of boards
and make the warmest place north of Tennessee—
or me any happier, just by gettin' to sweep.


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