Issue > Music
Tyler Goldman

Tyler Goldman

Tyler Goldman's poems and translations have appeared in The Virginia Quarterly Review, Poetry Northwest, and The recipient of scholarships and awards from the Bread Loaf Writers' Conference, the Academy of American Poets, and the University of Maryland, he is currently a doctoral student in Literature and Creative Writing at the University of Utah.

Sheet Music:

Martial - Five Epigrams


"Thaida Quintus amat." Quam Thaida? "Thaida luscam."
     Unum oculum Thais non habet, ille duos.

He fell for one-eyed Thea through and through.
     She's missing just one eye—he's missing two.


Cum faciem laudo, cum miror crura manusque,
     dicere, Galla, soles "Nuda placebo magis,"
et semper vitas communia balnea nobis.
     Numquid, Galla, times, ne tibi non placeam?

When I admire your body—your legs, your hands—
     you always say, "It's even better nude."
But at the baths you dodge me every time.
     Could it be you're not so into mine?


Languebam: sed tu comitatus protinus ad me
     venisti centum, Symmache, discipulis.
Centum me tetigere manus Aquilone gelatae:
     non habui febrem, Symmache, nunc habeo.

I was sick: you came for me at once.
     But with a hundred of your students too.
Dr. Symmachus, their hands were ice:
     I didn't have a cold, but now I do.


Non donem tibi cur meos libellos
oranti totiens et exigenti
miraris, Theodore? magna causa est:
dones tu mihi ne tuos libellos.

I don't give you my little books
     although you beg and plead.
Ted, do you really wonder why?
     You'd give me yours to read.


Scribere me quereris, Velox, epigrammata longa.
     Ipse nihil scribis: tu breviora facis.

"Your epigrams are long," you say in horror.
     You write nothing: yours are shorter.

William KenlonWilliam Kenlon, dually based in Washington D.C. and Boston, is a composer specializing in music for chamber, choral, and jazz ensembles. Described as "pointed and groovy" (New Music Box), Kenlon's music has garnered praise for its "lyrical personality that is original and strong" (Boston Musical Intelligencer), and for its sophisticated tonal explorations: "solid without being dense, clear without being sparse, and ever-changing without being random" (ibid). Enjoying frequent performances across the U.S. and in Europe, Kenlon has studied with composers from a variety of traditions and backgrounds, including John Hilliard, Jason Haney, Chuck Dotas, John McDonald, and (at present) Mark Wilson; he has also taken lessons with Forrest Pierce, Gabriela Frank, Stacy Garrop, and Libby Larsen, among others. Kenlon completed bachelor's and master's degrees at James Madison University and Tufts University respectively, and has studied at McGill University and at the New England Conservatory. In 2013, he was awarded the Flagship Fellowship to complete doctoral studies at the University of Maryland.

Soprano Amy Nicole Broadbent excels as a versatile soloist and ensemble singer. Born and based in Washington, D.C., Ms. Broadbent sings regularly at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, performing as a featured soloist for nationally televised events, including Pope Francis's 2015 visit. Recently, she has performed as a soloist with the Folger Consort (Purcell Dido and Aeneas), the Washington Master Chorale (Kyr Song of the Beloved, world premiere), the Reading Choral Society (Haydn Creation), and the Washington Bach Consort (Bach Coffee Cantata). At the invitation of artistic director Matthew Halls, she was a 2016 Vocal Fellow at the Oregon Bach Festival, singing as soloist for Bach’s Christmas Oratorio and Haydn’s St. Nicholas Mass. As first-place winner of the 2015 National Society of Arts and Letters’ Winston Voice Competition, Ms. Broadbent used her scholarship to study in Weimar, Germany, appearing as Pamina in Mozart's Die Zauberflöte. In the fall of 2017, Ms. Broadbent enlisted in the U.S. Navy to become the newest member of the Navy Band’s professional choir, the Sea Chanters. Ms. Broadbent holds degrees from the University of Maryland.

Nathan Beary Blustein is a PhD Candidate in Music Theory at Indiana University, where he has also studied piano, conducting, and mathematics. He is writing his dissertation on the musical and dramatic characteristics of reprises in Stephen Sondheim’s musicals. He has presented research on music analysis of musical theatre and jazz at regional, national, and international conferences. In 2015, he received the Wennerstrom Fellowship for outstanding achievement as a music theory associate instructor at Indiana University. Nathan has worked on new musical theatre projects as an arranger, including for Drew Gasparini (Live at Lincoln Center) and the New Theatre of Medicine (Tangles: A New Musical about Alzheimer’s). He currently works as a theatre music director and keyboardist in Washington, D.C.

Marcus Valerius Martialis

Marcus Valerius Martialis

Martial (Marcus Valerius Martialis) was a first-century Roman poet (ca. 40-104 CE). Born in Iberia (modern-day Spain), he lived and wrote in the city of Rome. His twelve books of Epigrams were published between 86 and 103 CE.


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