Issue > Poetry
Richard Levine

Richard Levine

Richard Levine, a retired teacher and Working Parties Family activist, is the author of That Country’s Soul, The Cadence of Mercy, A Tide of a Hundred Mountains, A Language Full of Wars and Songs, and Snapshots from a Battle, and the Youtube videos: Judge Roberts, One Man, One Woman One Vote and The Talkin’ Frackin’ Blues.


With the unflapping confidence
of a hawk's slow gliding
above its shadow, circling
for small prey it can almost taste,
we enter certain moments
as if upheld by knowing.

Other moments find us
idle and drifty as a child
too long at a classroom desk,
our attention drawn out a window
by evidence of wind in trees
and a hunger for flight.    



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Molly Tenenbaum
Sounds Heard From Inside The Ashes Box


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John Davis
Detail Of One After The Painting By Jackson Pollack


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Valencia Robin
Dutch Elm Disease