Issue > Poetry
Meggie Monahan

Meggie Monahan

Meggie Monahan is the Director of Development and Community Partnerships for Writers in the Schools (WITS). She grew up just-outside-Philly and moved to Texas in 2009 to study poetry at the University of Houston. Meggie's poems have been featured in Best New Poets, The American Journal of Poetry, Natural Bridge, Willow Springs, Third Coast, and elsewhere.


rain: from the ancient word for heart, not to be confused with hurt; first used when a man walked away from a woman, and the woman was relieved

edge: the place of decision-making, or the failure to decide

time: a word scholars maintain was constructed as a prank by a bully and a thief who were bored

want: a derivative of a better word meaning bird waiting to migrate

need: a small round wooden box in which to keep a secret (see also: derailment)

happiness: a measurement for calculating distances on long journeys (used in a sentence: We'll travel one more happiness today, my dear, and then we'll rest)

root: a disease (see also: hymn)

seed: what you hide in your hand when you feel hopeful and do not show your mother

love: a canopied boulevard wide enough to walk 200 dogs on a Sunday morning

crack: a sharp descent that you think is the wrong way, but it never is


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