Issue > Poetry
Bruce Bond

Bruce Bond

Bond is the author of 14 books including five forthcoming: Immanent Distance: Poetry and the Metaphysics of the Near at Hand (University of Michigan Press), For the Lost Cathedral (LSU Press), Black Anthem (Tampa Review Prize, University of Tampa Press), Sacrum (Four Way Books), and The Other Sky (Etruscan Press). Presently he is Regents Professor at University of North Texas.

The Genealogy of Clouds

In the beginning was the word. Remember.
So says the word. So says the thread of smoke
no votive breath blows clear of the fire.
Candles ink another name in the book
of clouds, and we rise, as do our steeples
with their funeral music. Such lovely tedium,
the reddening of flocks that drift to sleep
or slaughter before the night would take them.  
In the beginning there was no beginning.  
That came later, when time that is the widow
of experience made a myth of things.
Out of the blue we came. So says the blue.
So says the great night storm that litters the road
with leaves and branches. And the sky pours through.


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