Issue > Poetry
Sharon Dolin

Sharon Dolin

Sharon Dolin is the author of five books of poems, most recently: Whilwind (University of Pittsburgh Pres, 2012) and Burn and Dodge (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2008), which won the AWP Donald Hall Prize in Poetry. Her previous books are: Realm of the Possible, Serious Pink and Heart Work. In 2013, she was awarded the Witter Bynner Fellowship by the Library of Congress. She teaches at the 92nd Street Y, Poets House and at Rutgers Writers House.

When Loving Is A Form Of Leaving

When kissing is a form of covering
When hovering is a form of smothering
When lying is a kind of crying
When talking is a kind of dying
When explaining's the same as complaining
And feeling's the same as stealing
When breathing is more like seething
And adoring is close to cloying
When to meet is almost like blinding
To listen almost denying
Giving is most like raging
When leaving most like sighing
When silence is a way of parting
Silence       away         parting


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