Issue > Poetry
Michael Lauchlan

Michael Lauchlan

Michael Lauchlan's poems have appeared in many publications, including New England Review, Virginia Quarterly ReviewThe North American Review, English Journal, The Cortland Review and Tower Journal and have been included in Abandoned Automobile, from WSU Press and in A Mind Apart from Oxford. Lauchlan's collection, Trumbull Ave., is forthcoming from WSU Press. 


Plows have piled a whitened range—
faux mountains at the end of our street,
slopes shrinking, glazed, grayed. Fog
rules the day. In woolly air, shapes

stir—slow cars leave a trace
of exhaust, careful walkers share
loud intimacies. My mother's birth
slides across a calendar. Like

a stranger who jumps off a bus,
crosses tracks and strides toward us,
memory parts the sodden gloom

of our winter, as though, today,
only she can see where she
goes and track where she's been.


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