Issue > Poetry
Laura Marris

Laura Marris

Laura Marris is a poet and translator. Her poems appear or are forthcoming in The Yale Review, The North American Review, The Cortland Review, The Volta, and elsewhere. Her work has been supported by a MacDowell Colony Fellowship and a Daniel Varoujan Award. She teaches creative writing at the University at Buffalo and is currently at work on a new translation of Albert Camus' The Plague.

Truth To Materials

a lodestone tipped into the brook
and the way water sidesteps

the sideways movement of snow
like the movement of sand

it has been winter for a long time

the snowdrift a shark fin
shaped by the wind

cruel to leave and cruel
to do nothing

since someone will always be left
on the shore of that harsh season

Fake Erasure/Hart Island

even those who don't want to talk about the dead
need a place to put them

trench                date                  next of            none

of the body then
the body                 a deer     in the tall grass collects dew on his underbelly

a marsh once        the dozer       a Deere

in the short furrow of my days I have tried to keep my flesh
from feeling so precious

a marsh once    a dozer    a deer


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