Issue > Poetry
Stephen Cramer

Stephen Cramer

Stephen Cramer’s first book of poems, Shiva's Drum, was selected by Grace Schulman for the National Poetry Series. His second, Tongue & Groove, was published by University of Illinois. His newest book, From the Hip: A Concise History of Hip Hop (in Sonnets), came out in 2014 from Wind Ridge Press. His work has appeared in journals such as The American Poetry Review, African American Review, The Yale Review and Harvard Review. He teaches writing and literature at the University of Vermont and lives with his wife and daughter in Burlington.

One Night Stand

Baby, I'm gonna love you till the moon
turns white, till rivers run downstream, till rocks

mature into knots so hard they can break
a man's bones or teeth. Honey, I'm yours

till birds learn the trick of flight & lizards
scratch their bellies on sun-

baked desert stones. No lie: nothing
can stop us till last week's fruit

goes bad, till the tides turn
twice a day. I'm all yours till

my errant heart beats double-time
& the yellow eyes of the ever-gazing

sun break over the constant hills.


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