Issue > Poetry
J.C. Reilly

J.C. Reilly

JC Reilly is the author of the chapbook, Le Petite Mort, and one-quarter contributor to an anthology of occasional verse published by PoetryAtlanta Press, On Occasion: Four Poets, One Year. She lives in Atlanta with her husband and three cats. When she is not writing poetry, she plays tennis (badly).

Buck Moon

On the bush and bramble side
that fringes toward the wood,
a whitetail stag sniffs the air

then lowers its tongue to Caddo's
edge to drink.  Under your watch,
its eight points gleam a dull,

milky opal, and catch in cattail
cluster.  With a quick head shake,
and a nose blow nearly laugh-like,

it frees its antlers.  Another sip; the deer
finishes its lake water nightcap.
As it clops off into the loblollies,

alert but unhurried,  you darken
to think of hunters, sleeping now,
dreaming all of Actaeon's fate.


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