Issue > Poetry
Kathryn Nelson

Kathryn Nelson

Kathy Nelson is a poet living in Asheville, NC. Her poems have appeared in US 1 Worksheets, Off the Coast, The Cortland Review, Switched-on GutenbergThe Paterson Literary Review, Wild Goose Poetry Review and other print and online journals. Her chapbook, Cattails, was published in May, 2013, by Main Street Rag.

The Poem

Sometimes it's a bag
I drag around with me,
heavy, slack,
the insides tangled into knots.
I wrestle with them,
shove them, try
to twist them into
loveliness. I rummage
for the singing thing
I'm looking for
but it keeps slipping,
sinking to the bottom.

Other times, it is
my favorite child
just wakened
from a dream.
Her finger points
at air, and then,
the water of her laughter
spills and falls
over me
and all at once
she tells me


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