Issue > Poetry
John Minczeski

John Minczeski

John Minczeski's books include A Letter to Serafin and Circle Routes, both from the University of Akron Press. Poems have appeared in AGNI, Pleiades, The Great River Review, Mid-American Review and elsewhere. He lives in St. Paul, where he teaches poetry to elementary and high school students and does occasional college work.

The Earth Remembers, The Sky Forgets

It was lightning and the steady roll of thunder
Looming closer like a science fiction horror
Slurping humidity until there was no more.

If the sirens went off,
The wind took their breath away.
Then it became someone else's storm,

Lightning fading to the southeast,
Towering clouds melding with the dark.
This morning, I tie back the beaten-down

Tomato vines. I pick the snot of a slug
Off a leaf. What light isn't absorbed
Ricoches off. We come from collateral damage.

Today the airplanes stay close to their hive.
Beans arrive unannounced like new
Millionaires pinching themselves.

Jackpots in a raffle I forgot I entered.
A final exam graded on the curve.


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