Issue > Poetry
Muriel Nelson

Muriel Nelson

Muriel Nelson’s publications include Part Song, winner of the Dorothy Brunsman Poetry Prize (Bear Star Press), and Most Wanted, winner of the ByLine Chapbook Award (ByLine Press). Nominated four times for the Pushcart Prize, her poems have appeared in Beloit Poetry Journal, The Cortland Review, Four Way Review, Front Porch Journal, Hunger Mountain, Massachusetts Review, The New Republic, Ploughshares and Superstition Review.

Semele To Zeus

Look at your clouds asleep on their backs.
The clouds I envy
blew from this scene
in a storm of shades, of sun-splattered wax,
to reconvene in each windy
guise I knew of you, in every
nebulous form.
I'm jealous. They are with you, learning
your thunderbolts
still circling earth,
your arm's hurling, your sudden turning
south to north, magnetic, and those jolts
when your face streaks brilliant, close, almost touching,
almost . . .
on. Tell your Hera she's wrong if she reasons
I've tried more than sing
your praises. My breasts
weren't fermatas for your swift hands.

You rained from your distance.
I storm inside.


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